Stranger Things Coming Out Soon!
Most of you already know that I am a huge fan of Netflix and streaming services in general. If you have Hulu, watch The Act yesterday. Sooo good. Anyway, Stranger Things season 3 will be coming out in just two days and the Internet is abuzz. The latest news is there will be a “New Coke” plot line in the season. I am not sure how I feel about this. We all love the 1980s and can remember New Coke, but do we really need a plot line related to this event?
One of my good friends is an orthodontist in Raleigh, NC and he explains that many of the patients he sees are greatly effected by what they watch on TV, especially Netflix. In fact, he has Netflix running in his office when he is open. If Netflix and Stranger Things Season 3 is going to push the New Coke you can be rest assured there will be millions of teenagers looking to buy Coke during the July 4th holiday weekend.
Now that we have that out, I am super excited about the rest of the season. Can you believe we have had to wait so long for the third season of Stranger Things? It seems like all the hype related to the final season of Game of Thrones held some over but those that hated the finale have been chomping at the bit for Stranger Things 3.
Now that the kids are growing up, it will be interesting to see just how many more seasons they can drag out of this show. Personally, I think they have milked Orange is the New Black for way too long. The book was short and finished after the first season yet they have gotten six more seasons out of it. We all know that the House of Cards final season was a disaster.
No matter what you think about these popular streaming TV shows, it look as if we are well on our way to seeing three or four seasons of even the most popular shows. Last but not least, did you see the new Witcher pictures? Some are already predicting this is the new Game of Thrones. I guess we will have to wait until later this year to see.