Has Netflix Taken Over Your TV?
Just last week, I finally finished up When They See Us. It is fantastic. I didn’t realize that Oprah did a follow up question and answer show, like she used to do, titled When They See Us Now. If you haven’t watched it, check it out now. There is another great movie she did with Harry I. Martin, Jr. titled The Butler that is worth the watch as well. What is crazy is Netflix just hasn’t figured out movies quite yet. They have some absolutely amazing TV shows and documentaries but the movies are lacking.
That being said, in our household, Netflix is on most of the time. In fact, we almost never watch network TV shows in the evenings. I cannot remember the last time I actually watched a show on ABC, NBC, CBS o Fox. Do you still watch shows that are on network TV? If they are that good, I usually wait until they are on Hulu or available on Netflix. There is an NBC show This is Us that is supposed to be phenomenal but I just can’t force myself to be in front of a TV on a specific week night. I have other things going on from 8:00 to 10:00 and don’t get around to watching TV until after 10:00 pm and that always ends up being on Netflix.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes these TV stations to realize we are all going to streaming. I did see where NBC Universal is going to pull The Office from Netflix and Friends is going to be on a streaming app as well. The biggest concern for these companies is they are too late to the party. Are fans of those shows really going to shell out $5 to $10 a month in addition to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO and any other channels they have purchased? I would think not.
Now, it is time to start my binge of Stranger Things 3. The reviews are strong and all of my friends say it is great. Let’s see just how good it is.