You on Netflix
A friend of mine has been talking about You on Netflix for the past week so I decided to do a little bit of research. Instead of jumping in and watching the series on Netflix I decided to listen to the audio book first. I must say, it is fascinating from the aspect of the guy being such a stalker. I know the guy on the Netflix show is supposed to be cute and charming but the guy in the audio book is simply creepy. There are a number of different scenarios when he is a downright stalker. He watches her have sex with her hookup buddy. He goes to…
Does Reading Stephen King Give You Nightmares?
I love reading. So much so that I read a number of different genres. My favorites tend to be mystery, true crime, science fiction/fantasy and romance. One of my favorite authors is definitely Stephen King. The King is a master story teller and he publishes page turner after page turner. Unfortunately, some of his books have given me nightmares. The one that comes to mind is Doctor Sleep. I have nightmares for weeks after reading Doctor Sleep. So, I was wondering, do you find that you have nightmares after reading Stephen King right before you go to bed? I am currently reading Bag of Bones, which is really good, and…